Certification in Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy
Certificering in cognitieve revalidatietherapi
Since its formation, iSCR has made a concerted effort to promote professionalism in the field of Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy (CRT). In 1994, iSCR initiated a credentialing process that offers certification in CRT. The goal of the credentialing process is to maintain high standards for provision of quality CRT treatment.
Professionals from a wide range of disciplines possess the skills necessary to provide CRT. Representative disciplines include, but are not limited to, counseling, education, medicine, neuropsychology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, psychology, recreation therapy, social work, special education and speech-language pathology.
Certification is a voluntary credentialing process for providers of Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy (CRT). Certification is offered internationally by The international Society for Cognitive Rehabilitation, Inc. (iSCR) and is strongly encouraged. Certification:
- Identifies those individuals who have met specific minimum professional standards, and promotes their visibility.
- Recognizes those professional who are willing to uphold a professional Code of Ethics.
- Entitles the individual to use the designation "Certified in the Practice of Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy" (CPCRT).
- Advances the professionalism of CRT within the field of rehabilitation, with the public and with third-party payers.
- Has the potential to improve reimbursement from third-party payers.
Levels of Certification
iSCR provides two levels of certification:
- Level I Certification - Applicants for Level I Certification must meet the criteria for designation as a "Qualified Independent Practitioner" as defined in the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine's Guidelines for Cognitive Rehabilitation. Such a practitioner is defined as a person who has acquired appropriate credentials for the independent practice in their discipline according to state licensing agencies appropriate to their profession; or in the absence of applicable state regulations, meets the appropriate national registration or certification requirements for the independent practice of their profession.
- Level II Certification - Applicants for Level II Certification are those who are unable to practice their profession independently, and require supervision by a Qualified Independent Practitioner. The Qualified Independent Practitioner is accountable for the design, implementation and ongoing quality and appropriateness of evaluation and treatment services delivered to clients.
Qualifications for Certification
- Education
For Level I Certification: Minimum of a master's degree in an allied rehabilitation field from a regionally accredited institution where the degree is a prerequisite for licensure or certification (e.g., Psychology, Speech), OR minimum of a bachelor's degree in an allied rehabilitation field from a regionally accredited institution where the degree is sufficient for licensure, certification or registration (e.g., Occupational Therapy).
For Level II Certification: Bachelor's or master's degree in an allied rehabilitation field from a regionally accredited institution where the degree is insufficient for licensure, certification or registration, OR when such licensure, certification or registration is not available.
Applicable allied rehabilitation degree programs include counseling, education, medicine, neuropsychology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, psychology, recreation therapy, social work, special education and speech-language pathology. Other disciplines will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- Credentials
If credentials (licensure, certification, registration) are available in your discipline, you are expected to hold such.
- Direct Work Experience
Minimum of 2,000 hours of supervised post-master's experience (2,000 hours = 1 year of full time employment). If the applicant's graduate program included an internship or practicum of supervised clinical work, up to 1,000 of these hours may be substituted for post-master's work experience.
Minimum of 4,000 hours post-bachelor's degree (i.e., 2 years of supervised experience).
Applicable work experience must be in the direct provision of CRT and assessment of cognition for individuals. Work experience must be paid. Volunteer activities are not acceptable. Work must have been supervised.
- Supervision
Minimum of 50 hours of face-to-face supervision for those persons required to have 2,000 hours of work experience.
Minimum of 100 hours of face-to-face supervision for those persons required to have 4,000 hours of work experience.
- Temporary Waiver
iSCR recognizes the diversity of clinicians providing CRT. We wish to acknowledge those qualified clinicians who may not, for various reasons, meet all of the above requirements. Therefore, a temporary waiver is being considered for some of the above requirements:
- Education - While no waiver is offered for the minimum degrees listed, iSCR will consider applicants from allied health fields not listed above.
- Work Experience - No waiver is offered for the minimum hours of direct work experience; however, the conditions under which persons obtain experience will vary and these will be considered.
- Supervision - You may qualify for waiver of supervised work experience if you meet all four of the following:
- Minimally hold a bachelor's degree in an allied health field, and
- Graduated in or before 1986, and
- Have been an active CRT therapist since 1986 or before, and
- Did not have access to direct, face-to-face supervision in your work experience.
Waivers are granted on an individual basis. You must indicate your request for waiver on the application form, and provide information to support your request for waiver.
View information about the application process.
Sinds haar oprichting heeft iSCR een gezamenlijke inspanning geleverd om professionaliteit op het gebied van cognitieve revalidatietherapie (CRT) te bevorderen. In 1994 startte iSCR een certificeringprocedure. Het doel van het certificeringprocedure is om de kwaliteit te waarborgen van cognitieve revalidatie.
Professionals uit een breed scala van disciplines bezitten de vaardigheden die nodig zijn om CRT te bieden. Representatieve disciplines omvatten, maar zijn niet beperkt tot, onderwijs, geneeskunde, neuropsychologie, ergotherapie, fysiotherapie, psychologie, recreatie therapie, sociaal werk, speciaal onderwijs en logopedie.
Certificering is een vrijwillig keuringsproces voor aanbieders van cognitieve revalidatietherapie (CRT). Certificering wordt internationaal aangeboden door The international Society for Cognitive Rehabilitation, Inc. (iSCR) en wordt sterk aangemoedigd. Certificering:
- Identificeert die personen die aan bepaalde minimale professionele normen hebben voldaan en bevordert hun zichtbaarheid.
- Herkent de professional die bereid is om een professionele gedragscode te handhaven.
- Geeft het individu de mogelijkheid om de benaming "Gecertificeerd in de praktijk van cognitieve revalidatietherapie" (CPCRT) te gebruiken.
- Bevordert professionele CRT in de revalidatie.
- kenmerkt kwaliteit voor patiënten, verwijzers en zorgverzekeraars.
- Kan bijdragen in de vergoedingen van CRT
Certified in the Practice of Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy level 1 en 2
Cognitieve revalidatie wordt geboden door een veelvoud van disciplines. De therapeuten combineren hun vakkennis met kennis over cognitie. De international Society for Cognitive Rehabilitation certificeert therapeuten die kunnen aantonen te beschikken over voldoende kennis en vaardigheden om cognitieve revalidatie te kunnen uitvoeren binnen hun discipline. Zij krijgen het certificaat “Certified in the Practice of Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy level 1” (CPCRT level 1).
Een neuropsycholoog kan u zo helpen bij het opnieuw leren van cognitieve vaardigheden, een ergotherapeut kan u helpen bij het opnieuw leren van vaardigheden in het handelen die ten gevolge van cognitieve stoornissen verstoord zijn, de fysiotherapeut kan u helpen bij het opnieuw leren bewegen, wanneer het bewegen door cognitieve stoornissen wordt verstoord en een logopedist kan u helpen bij de communicatie.
De international Society for Cognitive Rehabilitation certificeert ook assistenten die werken onder supervisie van erkende therapeuten en kunnen aantonen dat zij beschikken over voldoende kennis en vaardigheden om cognitieve revalidatie therapie te kunnen uitvoeren binnen de discipline waarin zij werkzaam zijn.
Zij krijgen het certificaat “Certified in the Practice of Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy, level 2” (CPCRT level 2).
Het certificaat is vijf jaar geldig mits de therapeut of assistent lid blijft van de Society for Rehabilitation. Alle Nederlandse CPCRT gecertificeerde therapeuten staan vermeld op deze website.
Om in aanmerking te komen voor het certificaat “Certified in the Practice of Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy” (CPCRT) dient u een casus in te dienen bij de beoordelingscommissie van de iSCR. Hoe de procedure verloopt en welke materialen er gevraagd worden, kunt u hier lezen.
Voor ergotherapeuten en logopedisten in Nederland is er de unieke mogelijkheid het certificaat te behalen na intensieve scholing. Op de site van Hersenwerk kunt u hier uitgebreide informatie over vinden.
Certificaten zijn vijf jaar geldig mits de therapeut lid blijft van de international Society for Cognitive Rehabilitation.
Klik hier voor informatie over het proces rondom certificering.
Het certificaat CPCRT dient na vijf jaar verlengd te worden. De therapeut of assistent wordt hiervan via het opgegeven email adres op de hoogte gesteld.
Klik hier voor informatie over hercertificeren