Patient and Family Support Groups

Support Groups are an important part of the healing process for individuals with brain injuries and their families. Although few studies have been done, it has been found that the outcome for recovery for individuals with brain injuries can be predicted by the strength of the survivor and family's circle of support.

Support Groups provides a place for the survivor and family to meet others who are going through or have already walked in your shoes. You learn that you are not alone and don't have to explain yourself to anybody. You can gather and learn new information and share common needs and strengths.

Support Groups provides you with a safe place to find courage and take risks, express your views and concerns without being judged, meet new friends and socialize, and find new connections in the community.

Support Groups help give back what is lost.

If you cannot find a Support Group near you, then build a Circle of Support around you. Ask people to help you work on your or your loved one's recovery by forming a Circle of Support. Invite people who can listen, make suggestions, help plan, or provide practical hands-on assistance.

iSCR Headlines!
iSCR Brochure Now Available - Download the iSCR brochure and print one for yourself and for a colleague. We also encourage you to consider giving a copy to patients.

How to do Cognitive Rehabilitation Webcast broadcast on the 18th of every month

Understanding and Dealing with Behaviour Problems following brain injury Webcast broadcast on the 2nd of every month

Advanced Cognitive Rehabilitation Webcast broadcast on the 23rd of every month

Insight Webcast broadcast on the 10th of every month

Cognitive Rehabilitation Webcast broadcast on the 12th of every month

Active Relaxation Training Webcast broadcast on the 5th of every month

Montreal, Canada
IBIA World Congress

19-22 March 2025
Montreal, Canada
IBIA 5th World Congress